Failure of an internal lining of drinking water pipes

This is a two-component epoxy coating implemented inside a metal pipe dedicated to transporting water intended to be made potable.

This coating, made up of three layers of paint ( anticorrosion epoxy primer + 2 epoxy coats) presented different facies of disorders such as blisters , inclusions of foreign bodies , color changes

Colle epoxy analyse

The analyzes recommended by Polymex to investigate these issues are for example:

  • Structural analyzes by Pyrolysis/GCMS and IRTF on samples in healthy and degraded areas to search for the origin of blistering (phenomenon of carbamation, crosslinking defect, poor preparation of the support, etc.).
  • Visual and elementary microscopic analysis by SEM / EDX on the sample in a degraded area in order to observe the detachment interface to the right of the blister after a cut perpendicular to the surface of the sample. Comparison of the microstructure to that of the sample in the healthy zone.
  • Search for particles at the right of the blistering interface. Measurement of the thicknesses of the two films for comparison.
  • Visual and elementary microscopic analysis by SEM/EDX on samples with inclusions to characterize their nature.

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Failure of an internal lining of drinking water pipes
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Failure of an internal lining of drinking water pipes