Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) detection

PCBs are synthetic molecules with specific properties. They have a high thermal conduction power while being electrically insulating and practically non-flammable. These characteristics made them particularly used in electrical transformers and capacitors during the XXth century. Their high toxicity has led to their surveillance and restriction in the industrial environment. The detection and quantification of PCBs is therefore a major industrial and environmental issue.


Thanks to extraction protocols adapted and optimized for all types of matrices, a large range of samples can be analyzed (Soils, liquid effluents, gels, paints, industrial products ...). The sample preparation results in obtaining an extract which concentrates all the PCBs potentially present.
=> The injection of this extract in GCMS then allows detection and quantification of PCBs.

Détection de PCB

PCB research by GCMS is therefore a reliable and precise technique which can be applied to many problems:

- Paint and adhesive analyzes,
- Environmental analyzes on polluted waters and soils,
- Search for contamination in industrial areas,
- Quality control on raw materials and manufactured products.

Ciblage de composés

List of main target compounds:

Trade name - CAS
PCB 77 - 32598-13-3
PCB 105 - 32598-14-4
PCB 156 -  38380-08-4
PCB 81 - 70362-50-4
PCB 114 - 74472-37-0
PCB 157 - 69782-90-7
PCB 126 - 57465-28-8
PCB 118 - 31508-00-6
PCB 167 - 52663-72-6
PCB 169 - 32774-16-6
PCB 123 -  65510-44-3
PCB 189 - 39635-31-9
PCB 28 - 7012-37-5
PCB 52 - 35693-99-3
PCB 101 - 37680-73-2
PCB 138 - 35065-28-2
PCB 153 -  35065-27-1
PCB 180 -  35065-29-3

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